Deciphering the
IOL Surprise
What to do when you miss your target refraction
James Gills, M.D. and Myra N. Cherchio, C.O.M.T.
Unfortunately, even with today's advanced techniques and technology, we haven't reached the point at which all IOL outcomes are ideal. When an unfortunate outcome does occur, it's a disappointment for everybody involved -- and managing it can be the most difficult part of cataract surgery.
In these situations it's crucial to know exactly what went wrong so that you can correct the problem and take steps to avoid it in future cases. Here, we'd like to share some of what our practice has learned over the years about tracking down the source of the problem, and the steps we take to correct it.
Tracking down the cause
In the past, when a result was unsatisfactory, we often assumed that the problem was caused by inaccurate ultrasound measurements. And we may have been right; the ultrasound equipment we used in the past had many limitations. But today, blaming unsatisfactory outcomes on faulty ultrasound measurements may only serve to cover up other problems that need to be addressed in order to correct the discrepancy.
In our practice, we're finding more and more that corneal issues are responsible for IOL surprises. Knowing that this may be the case is crucial. For one thing, corneal changes caused by the surgery often resolve if left alone. If this happens, any corrections you've made shortly after surgery will backfire.
Locating the real cause of the imperfect outcome is essential for other reasons as well. If this is the patient's first eye and the problem is caused by biological variability, the same problem could happen with the fellow eye; you need to adjust your treatment of the fellow eye accordingly. And of course, if the problem really is the result of an error or oversight, knowing this will help you avoid the same problem in the future.
Start with the simple things
When evaluating a disappointing outcome, we begin by looking at the simple things. The first steps we take include:
- Verifying the postoperative refraction. (Our optometrist or a trusted technician does this.)
- Verifying the data entry. We use Holladay II Consultant software to calculate the IOL power. This software is easy to use, but it requires a lot of data entry; it's easy to make mistakes.
- Making sure the correct lens was selected.
- Checking pre-op measurements. Was there a big discrepancy between the keratometry and topography readings? If you used ultrasound, check the validity of the original A-scan. Were the gates positioned correctly? Was the correct velocity used? Are the echoes straight and sharply rising?
If it's clear that none of these issues caused the problem, we examine the cornea and look for unexpected changes.
Evaluate the cornea
Unexpected changes in corneal curvature, or the K average, are fairly common after surgery, and this can contribute to the refraction puzzle. For this reason, we evaluate each post-op surprise with corneal topography. (Note: We use manual K-readings in this situation because the IOLMaster can have the same limitations as all automated keratometry instruments -- they're more likely to make a mistake than a careful individual.) Whether or not topography was done prior to surgery, this may reveal changes in the corneal curvature as a result of surgery, or an undiscovered condition. (This sometimes solves the mystery before we even begin the process of remeasuring.)
We also check the keratometry measurements again and compare to our preoperative ones. If the cornea is slightly flatter (the most common scenario following surgery), that may explain a hyperopic shift. If the cornea is steeper, that may account for a myopic shift.
Changes in corneal curvature can be the result of a number of different factors, including:
Relaxing incisions during surgery. This is a common cause of unexpected corneal change. If you perform relaxing incisions during cataract surgery you should know the coupling ratio (the ratio of corneal steepening to flattening caused by the incision). If it's not 1:1, you may need to adjust the lens power slightly to account for it.
In our experience, limbal relaxing incisions usually cause the cornea to flatten slightly after surgery. Before toric lenses were available, when limbal relaxing incisions were our primary means of correcting astigmatism, we added power to the lens based on the amount of astigmatism we were correcting.
Post-refractive surgery patients. These patients can be challenging -- especially those who've had radial keratotomy (RK). Even if you've done your calculations correctly, temporary corneal flattening from microedema around the incisions is common. This typically re-solves within a few weeks with the help of sodium chloride ointment or drops.
Irregular astigmatism and keratoconus. Keratoconus patients often experience a post-op hyperopic shift; their corneas are thin and fragile and tend to flatten after surgery. Left alone this often resolves, just as it often does for RK patients. These patients can be especially challenging to evaluate postoperatively because a slight head tilt can alter the refraction by effectively changing the refractive power of the cornea. If the axial length is correct, the best medicine is usually time; the refraction may be entirely different after 1 or 2 weeks.
Corneal edema. If you perform next-day cataract surgery (as we do) you may find corneal edema on the second day. This can alter corneal curvature and affect the post-op refraction. If you're planning surgery on the fellow eye, use keratometry or topography to measure how much impact the edema is having. The point is that the edema will resolve; don't factor any refractive shift when selecting the lens for the fellow eye.
Contact lens wear prior to surgery. This can lead to error if the patient didn't stop wearing the lenses long enough to allow the cornea to return to its natural shape. Check to find out how long he had them out before the pre-op measurements were taken.
Some practices take serial pre-op topographies after the patient stops wearing contacts until the scans show that the cornea has stabilized. Our policy is to have the patient go without hard lenses for 2 weeks, or soft lenses for 1 week. (Some patients find this difficult to do, but it's very important.)
Check the measurements
After evaluating the cornea, we remeasure the patient's eyes with both our IOLMaster and immersion to determine whether measurement inaccuracies contributed to missing our refractive target:
The IOLMaster is an excellent starting point for comparing the axial lengths pre- and postoperatively, but it can't be used to measure anterior chamber depth postoperatively. Also, we've found that IOLMaster readings following surgery are typically 0.1 mm short, even when corrected for the lens material. Be sure to take this into consideration when comparing measurements to pre-op.
Note: When using the IOLMaster, don't just look at the numbers -- pay close attention to the peaks! The IOLMaster occasionally gives erroneous axial length measurements when it detects a second peak. This is most common when measuring eyes with acrylic lenses. You'll need to use ultrasound if this appears to be an issue.
It's important for your staff to understand how to use immersion to measure pseudophakic patients. To get the most accurate results, we use the aphakic mode and correct the tissue velocity afterward. This is especially important when measuring a patient with a silicone lens, because not all silicone lenses are made equal. Subtracting 0.8 mm from the result (the standard adjustment that most instruments are programmed to make) may not yield the correct result; the correction factor of silicone lenses can vary from 0.3 to 0.8.
If you don't know the correction factor of the lens you're working with, call your lens company. The correction factor can also be calculated if you know the center thickness of the lens, using the formula (center thickness)(1 - 1532/1052).
In the aphakic mode, you'll have two calipers or gates to measure from the cornea to the retina. After measuring the axial length, move the retinal gate to the first lens echo to measure the effective lens position.
Note: The IOLMaster is an integral part of our biometry regime, but we have not found it to be a stand-alone instrument. It doesn't replace ultrasound. Acquiring these measurements is a complex process, and we haven't yet reached the point at which human judgment can be completely removed from the equation. Of course, because the IOLMaster is a non-contact form of biometry, it's more accurate than applanation ultrasound -- it can't compress the cornea and give a falsely short measurement. However, we've found that immersion provides greater accuracy with regard to pre-op anterior chamber depth. Also, the IOLMaster doesn't measure lens thickness, while ultrasound does.
The IOLMaster is most useful in eyes with staphyloma, which can be difficult to measure using ultrasound. However, because these eyes are so unusual, we prefer to document our measurements with B-scan as well. With the B-scan, we can actually image the staphyloma and "see" what we're measuring.
Check lens position
If the patient's refraction deviates from the target by only -0.5 D to -1.0 D, the lens power may not be the problem. In this situation, dilate the patient and make sure the lens is positioned correctly:
- Is the lens completely in the bag? A haptic out of the bag can alter lens position enough to cause a small myopic error.
- Effective lens position can also be affected by the way the bag heals around the new lens. As the bag fibroses around the lens, it may bow forward or back. (Measuring the lens position should reveal this.) If the change in position occurs gradually over a period of months, this may be the problem.
Once we've checked these factors, we also consider the possibility that the outcome is the result of multiple small errors whose effects are cumulative.
No matter what we decide, we always document our conclusions about the cause of the surprise (i.e., lens shift, incorrect measurement, corneal edema, or no obvious explanation) in the patient record.
Correcting a small discrepancy
Because many IOL problems are potentially cornea-related, a small error is often best treated by waiting a week or two to see if it will resolve. For example:
- A slight hyperopic error caused by a flatter cornea after surgery isn't unusual. The patient typically does well with a little time and sodium chloride drops or ointment.
- Edema problems and refractive shifts associated with surgery on a keratoconus patient usually resolve by themselves over time. However, if you're working with a keratoconus patient and you still have a problem after allowing time for the cornea to return to its original shape, you may need to exchange the IOL or fit the patient with a hard contact lens.
- If you can't find any explanation for a patient's outcome, it's a good idea to wait a week or two before taking action.
If we know the cause of the poor outcome, a specific remedy may make the most sense:
- If the IOL isn't positioned correctly because a haptic is out of the bag, we reposition the lens as an in-office procedure.
- If the healing process causes the lens to bow forward or back, we either laser the capsule to release tension or simply leave it alone. (If the patient is significantly bothered by the gradual change in vision, and lasering the capsule doesn't improve matters, we add a piggyback lens.)
Correcting a large discrepancy
Regardless of the reason for the outcome, if we're left with a large error that must be addressed, we have to decide whether to exchange the lens or piggyback another lens over the first. Each option has advantages and drawbacks:
Lens exchange. We usually resort to lens exchange in three circumstances (assuming that the discrepancy hasn't been caused by a biological factor that will resolve on its own):
1. The patient is still less than 1 month post-op and the capsule hasn't cemented itself around the implanted lens yet. (A new lens is preferable to having two lenses inside the eye.)
2. We find marks on the lens or damage that warrants replacement.
3. The lens is positioned incorrectly. In this situation, adding a piggyback lens won't solve the problem. Repositioning or exchange are the only workable options.
Secondary piggyback implantation. With the current availability of low plus- and minus-power lenses in silicone, a small pseudophakic refractive error can now be corrected with a secondary piggyback lens through the original incision.
Secondary piggybacks have the advantage that they can be more predictable than lens exchange, for several reasons:
- First, you can never be 100% sure of the power of the original lens. The lens might have been mislabeled, or the actual power may be outside of tolerance.
- Second, you can't be 100% confident that the exchanged lens will end up in the same position as the old lens. A small change in lens position can induce its own error.
- Third, the guesswork of hitting the target refraction is virtually eliminated with a secondary piggyback lens because the power is primarily based on the patient's refraction. In other words, with piggyback implantation, the cause of the error is irrelevant (unless incorrect lens position was the problem).
The road to ideal outcomes
The potential for "perfect" outcomes following cataract surgery isn't an illusion. For the first time ever, thanks to continuing improvements in measurement technology, IOL materials and design, and surgical technique, we've reached a level of accuracy at which we could produce better outcomes if we had lenses available in quarter-diopter steps.
Still, no matter how advanced IOL technology becomes or how great our expertise, we'll always have to deal with the occasional unsatisfactory outcome. But as we become more adept at determining causes, we'll be able to reduce the number of problems that occur and increase the likelihood that they can easily be corrected. That will make our job easier -- and our patients happier.
Dr. Gills is the founder and director of St. Luke's Cataract & Laser Institute and clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of South Florida. Dr. Gills was ASCRS' Innovator of the Year in 1996. He sits on the Duke Board of Visitors and the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Advisory Board, and is the author of seven medical books. Myra Cherchio is director of clinical research and director of the ultrasound department at St. Luke's. She's co-authored numerous scientific papers and medical books, and has produced several educational videos.
Case History 1: The Keratoconus Factor |
This patient presented with keratoconus. Initial measurements were: Refraction OS: -17.50 -1.00 x 130 Axial length OS: 27.24 K-average: 49.12 D The target refraction was plano. We performed uneventful cataract surgery on the left eye in March of 1999, using a 2.5-mm cataract incision, plus 5.0-mm limbal relaxing incisions at 6:30 and 12:30. Because of the axial length and steep cornea, calculations showed that the target refraction would be achieved without implanting any IOL. However, the patient's refraction the following day was +4.00 -1.00 x 5. We rechecked the axial length, and our original measurements were correct. The K-average, however, was 47.25 -- about 2 D flatter than before the surgery. Dismayed by this outcome, we inserted a +4.0 foldable silicone IOL into the sulcus piggyback style to correct the refraction. This caused an overcorrection. During the next two and a half months the patient's cornea gradually became steeper, eventually returning to its original K measurement. The patient's new measurements were: Refraction (OS): -2.00 -1.00 x 25 20/25 K-average: 48.87 D At this point we removed the IOL, and the resulting refraction was +0.75 -0.75 x 170 -- right on target. Follow-up 1 month later showed that this refraction was stable. Discussion: In this case, our measurements and calculations were correct. However, as often happens in keratoconus patients, the cornea became markedly flatter postoperatively, causing a hyperopic shift. The secondary piggyback IOL corrected the residual refractive error, but as the cornea returned to its original shape over time, the patient experienced a corresponding myopic shift. If we had waited for the cornea to return to its preoperative curvature we could have spared the patient the second and third procedures. This illustrates the importance of evaluating keratometry readings when an outcome isn't right. It's easy to make the mistake of focusing solely on the axial length measurements, but it's critical to look at the whole picture. When the problem is a corneal shift, correcting the problem with the IOL may backfire. |
Case History 2: The Axial Length Discrepancy |
This patient's initial measurements were: Refraction: OD: -1.75 -3.75 x 015; OS: -7.75 -0.75 x 040 Keratometry (OD): 40.50/43.25 x 5 Axial length: OD: 25.67; OS: 28.62 The difference in axial lengths got our attention, but the difference in refraction suggested that the axial lengths were probably correct; it seemed sensible that the right eye, which was much less nearsighted, would be shorter. With a target refraction of -0.50, we performed uneventful phaco and inserted a 16.5 D foldable silicone lens through a 2.5-mm incision. We also made limbal relaxing incisions at 6:00 and 12:00. The following day, the patient's refraction was +1.75 -2.00 x 15 (a spherical equivalent of +0.75). We'd missed our target by 1.25 D. We remeasured the axial length, OD, and confirmed it with a B-scan. This time it came out to be 25.28 mm. Redoing our calculations showed that this shorter axial length called for 2 additional diopters. We performed an IOL exchange, replacing the 16.5 D lens with an 18.5 D lens. The resulting refraction was plano - 1.00 x 180. Discussion: Even though the axial length discrepancy seemed sensible, given the difference in refractive error between the eyes, we should have rechecked the measurements using a B-scan. Patients with long eyes often have staphylomas and irregularities of the posterior pole that increase the difficulty of acquiring a valid A-scan. B-scans should be done routinely on patients with long eyes, to evaluate for staphylomas and confirm the measurement. Had we done this, we would have detected the measurement error and hit the target refraction after the initial surgery. |
Case History 3: A Corneal Mystery |
This patient had a very bizarre outcome that we couldn't explain at first, even when we rechecked all our initial measurements. Those measurements were: Refraction (OD): +3.00 - 0.75 x 135 Axial length (OD): 23.69 Keratometry (OD): 40.00/40.37 x 180 The target refraction was -0.50. We performed uneventful phaco and inserted a 25.0 D PMMA lens through a 6.0 mm scleral incision. The following day, the patient's refraction was +8.50 -1.0 x 040. Axial length and keratometry matched pre-op values. We decided not to attempt to correct the refraction until we uncovered the cause of this strange outcome, and we proceeded to perform corneal topography. This turned up a flat, central region in the cornea that hadn't showed up in the initial K reading, which accounted for the hyperopia. (See images, right.) We had not done topography preoperatively, so we didn't have a map for comparison. Because the problem was corneal, we elected to wait and see if the problem would resolve by itself (as corneal problems often do, even when we don't fully understand the genesis of the problem). By the following day, the patient's refraction had shifted dramatically, to +2.50 -2.00 x 110. Even though serial measurement of the patient's corneal topography showed minimal change in the corneal curvature during the following weeks, the central flat area gradually steepened, causing a gradual myopic shift. At her final visit, she was at her target refraction. |
Getting Off on the Right Foot |
The two biggest obstacles to achieving an accurate postoperative refraction are difficulty in predicting lens position, and pre-existing corneal problems that make assessing corneal curvature difficult or impossible. However, even in difficult cases it's possible to maximize the accuracy of the lens power calculation. Before surgery, we take the following steps: Educate the patient. We discuss target refractions with the patient beforehand, taking his or her unique situation into consideration. We offer monovision to the best candidates: previous monovision contact lens wearers and patients who don't have a high demand for either distance or near work. We include an in-office "test drive" using disposable contact lenses. When aiming to create monovision, we usually operate on the non-dominant eye first, even if it's the better eye, and focus it for near. This leaves us "wiggle room" so we have a better chance of hitting our target on the distance eye. Take a thorough history and ask key questions. Be sure to ask whether the patient wore contact lenses or has had previous corneal or retinal surgeries. If the patient has had cataract surgery, get the relevant details from the patient's lens card. Take the time to identify any conditions or injuries that could impede accuracy, such as pre-retinal membranes, previous pterygium removal, corneal or penetrating injuries. Measure axial length. One of the simplest ways to improve outcomes is to perform non-contact biometry, using either immersion ultrasound or the IOLMaster. (The IOLMaster will sometimes give an inaccurate anterior chamber measurement, especially if the eye isn't dilated.) If the eye is greater than 22 mm, the IOLMaster is our first choice, but if the eye is shorter than 22 mm we prefer immersion biometry, which we've found to be more accurate with these patients. This is especially important because even a tiny error can turn into a big problem in a small eye. (Also, the IOLMaster doesn't measure the lens thickness, a value that can be entered in the Holladay II formula.) If the IOLMaster detects a difference of 0.5 mm or more between the eyes, perform ultrasound to verify the A/C depth. We also use immersion for patients with posterior subcapsular cataracts, dense cataracts, keratoconus, or whenever we find a variation of more than 0.1 mm when rechecking the same eye. Perform keratometry. We perform keratometry in three steps: 1. Focus the eyepiece. 2. Make sure the patient is fixating correctly. (Just a slight deviation can have a huge impact on the IOL power.) One simple way to verify this is to shine a penlight through the keratometer. 3. Check the measurement several times. Identify potentially problematic cases early on so you can take steps to deal with their specific issues. These include patients with high refractive error, staphyloma, corneal problems that prevent accurate keratometry, previous refractive surgery patients, and those with biometry that may not be accurate. Check and recheck the numbers. Make absolutely sure the measurements and the data entry are accurate. Do the numbers make sense? Document that you rechecked the data entry. Measure both eyes. This should be the standard of care; we uncover all sorts of things by measuring both eyes. Most important, if we find an unusual difference in length between the fellow eyes, we look further to find out why. This could indicate an error in measurement; if not, it tells us that something else is going on that might have an impact on the outcome.
Protocol for Troubleshooting Deviations from Target Refractions |
Note: For a more thorough explanation of many of these steps, see the main text. 1. Confirm the post-op refraction. 2. Check for typographical errors in the original data. 3. Verify that the correct lens was selected. 4. Evaluate the validity of the original A-scan if ultrasound was used to take the measurements. 5. Remeasure topography (even if not performed prior to surgery) and the K-reading. Then:
6. Remeasure the axial length using the IOLMaster. 7. Remeasure both the axial length and effective lens position using immersion ultrasound. 8. Compare preoperative axial length with adjusted postoperative axial length. 9. If the patient only has a slight myopic deviation from target, dilate the eye and verify that the lens is in the bag. 10. Consider the combined effect of multiple small factors. 11. Answer the following questions:
Pre- and Post-op Pearls |
Here are a few strategies we've developed over the years that help us minimize and/or simplify post-op problems: Use the right formula. If you're still using an earlier formula such as the SRK or SRK II, you're in serious danger of missing your target -- especially on short eyes. These formulas no longer meet the standard of care for cataract patients; even their authors consider them obsolete. The Holladay II formula, introduced in 1996, is considered by many cataract surgeons to be the most accurate lens formula available, particularly when working with short eyes. It incorporates additional measurements such as the corneal diameter, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, refractive error and age, making it possible to predict the position of the intraocular lens with greater accuracy than ever before. Don't average axial length measurements. Whether you're working with the IOLMaster or immersion biometry, select the measurement with the best echo pattern or highest signal-to-noise ratio. It doesn't make sense to average the bad measurements with the good. If possible, use manual keratometry. This provides the most accurate corneal measurements in most cases. However, certain situations, such as pterygia, map-dot fingerprint dystrophy, extremely dry eyes or other cornea defects call for extra measures. In these cases, we measure with standard keratometry several times and compare with topography. We often print the corneal ring map to document the problem. Which measurement we use depends on the type and location of the corneal problem. Place all pre-op ultrasound or IOLMaster scans in the patient's chart. Troubleshooting post-op results is difficult (or impossible) if you don't include pre-op scans in the chart. When the outcome isn't right, you'll have nothing to compare your new measurements and scans to. Numbers aren't sufficient; they can be written down wrong. Also, if you're sued, you'll be hard-pressed to defend your work in court without a picture. Try implanting toric lenses to manage keratoconus. Surprisingly, we've found that toric lenses -- used alone or sutured together and implanted piggyback style -- are an excellent option for correcting astigmatism in these patients. We use the implant(s) to correct as much astigmatism as we can and then correct any residual astigmatism with limbal relaxing incisions. This is something most surgeons haven't tried, but it works remarkably well.