Focus on Retinal Imaging Systems
Canon USA
The Canon Eye Q Pro system captures digital retinal images at 6.3 megapixel resolution for use in diagnosis. The company says the Eye Q Pro is ideal for advanced pathology, research and angiography.
The Eye Q Pro incorporates the Canon EOS D60 digital camera, a mydriatic camera and software; it provides color fluorescein angiography and red-free imaging, and is ideal for diabetic screening.
Phone: (972) 409-8875
Carl Zeiss Meditec
The FF450plus Fundus Camera has telecentric optics, an increased number of flash settings and an instrument table with access holes for simple cable routing.
The FF450plus, which uses the Leica R-8 35-mm body, integrates with the Zeiss VISUPAC Digital Imaging System. The combination functions as a range of diagnostic tools, complete with multiple image overlay, merge and graphic functions.
Phone: (877) 486-7473
The Heine Video Omega 2C is the only binocular indirect ophthalmoscope specifically designed for video applications, according to Heine.
The system includes Video Omega 2C optics, a Panasonic CCD microcamera and processor, a Heine EN 20 Transformer and a carrying case. (The system does not include an S-Video monitor.)
Phone: (800) 367-4872
The Vantage Indirect features the patented HiMag lens, which provides stereoscopic images. (Magnification increases 1.6 times if you add a condensing lens.) The Vantage also features variable mirror height control, which allows you to raise and lower the light source without converging the viewing optics.
The op-tics form three inverted images in the plane of the patient's pupil: one for the light source and two for the pupils. All three images are movable in the plane of the patient's pupil for optimum viewing and stereopsis.
Phone: (800) 523-5620
The VX-10 Fundus camera combines fluorescein angiography with color and non-mydriatic photography.
The VX-10 has a built-in liquid-crystal display for mydriatic and non-mydriatic modes. The camera also has an illuminated control panel that lets the operator toggle between options and modes with the press of a button.
Phone: (310) 327-1913
The Nidek NM-200-D Portable Non-Mydriatic Digital Retinal Camera can be used to acquire both retinal photos and external eye photos, with 1.5 "megapixel" image quality.
The NM-200-D has a consecutive 30º imaging field that doesn't cause pupil constriction, which should help to maximize patient flow. In addition, the NM-200-D's Immediate Digital Display lets you show the patient the image right after it's been captured.
For more information, visit
Phone: (800) 223-9044
The Heidelberg Retina Angio-graph 2 (HRA 2) is designed to help you diagnose diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration with 5-micron resolution using fluorescein angiography (FA), indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), or simultaneous FA and ICGA.
The HRA 2 doesn't require dilation, and the light used is less than 1% of the light emitted from a typical fundus camera, which makes the HRA 2 very patient-friendly. It's also designed to be "technician-friendly" -- it features an ergonomic headrest, a touchscreen, a compact design and a smaller solid-state laser.
Phone: (800) 931-2230
The Panoramic200 is a non-mydriatic scanning laser ophthalmoscope that performs the unique Optomap retinal exam.
The Panoramic200 uses red and green lasers -- not white light -- to let you view multiple levels of the retina. According to Optos, this gives you increased diagnostic capability.
The Panoramic200 is noninvasive, can capture an image in a quarter of a second, and requires minimal training to operate. The instrument's ultra widefield of view (up to 200º) isn't available on any other device, says the company.
Phone: (877) 455-8855, ext. 100
The IMAGEnet 2000 Super High-Resolution FA/Color System incorporates the latest charge-coupled-device technology. It features 3,072 x 2,048 pixels resolution and 12-bit dynamic range for each color channel.
With real-time image acquisition, the IMAGEnet captures full-resolution images instantaneously, directly into the IMAGEnet software. No intermediate "save to memory" steps are necessary. Also, the system has noise-reduction technology, with on-frame black-and-white background corrections, to reduce unwanted noise and improve image quality without enhancing.
Phone: (800) 223-1130
More Products & Services
Rhein Medical and Randall J. Olson, M.D., developed the Olson 21g Irrigating Quick
Chopper. |
The Olson 21g Irrigating Quick Chopper is designed for use with a bi-manual chopping technique. It provides irrigation and lets you chop from anterior to posterior, while keeping the chopper within the central safety zone.
Rhein Medical sells the chopper in a right-hand model (part number 91-7146) and a left-hand model (91-7146-L).
Rhein Medical
Phone: (800) 637-4346
TraxMaster, an on-hold message system, hooks up to business phones. |
Applied Media Technologies Corporation (AMTC) offers the TraxMaster, a system that features on-hold messages for ophthalmology practices.
The TraxMaster comes with a compact disc packed with more than an hour of 15- to 60-second messages covering a variety of vision-care topics, from general information to the science behind contact lenses. You can also create messages that are customized to your practice, including information such as new techniques you're using, office hours and facts about staff members.
The CD includes music-only selections, as well as holiday greeting tracks with seasonal music. The TraxMaster lets you program any number of messages, in any order.
Phone: (800) 741-2682
The Microruptor V recently received FDA clearance for posterior capsulotomy, peripheral iridotomy and pupillary membranectomy procedures. |
Iridex has signed an agreement with the Swiss company Meridan to distribute the Microruptor V Nd:YAG Laser in the United States.
The Microruptor V laser is primarily in-tended to treat patients with secondary cata-racts, glaucoma and fine membranes near the pupil that interfere with vision.
Integrated onto the Microruptor V is a Haag-Streit 900BQ Slit Lamp, which is wheelchair accessible and "incorporates unique system features for increased treatment precision and superior clinical performance."
Phone: (800) 388-9087