practice management help
on ASC Operation
In recent years, more and more ophthalmology practices have come to rely on their ownership interest in an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) for a significant percentage of practice income. At the same time, the state and federal regulations governing such key areas of ASC operation as credentialing, reimbursement and the list of procedures that can be performed in an ASC have evolved into a crazy-quilt patchwork that show little uniformity and that few physicians can comprehend.
The result is that owners of existing ASCs continue to operate with a high degree of uncertainty, while practices interested in opening a new surgery center can do little in the way of projecting future costs and revenue.
Given the highly charged atmosphere that now prevails, the AAASC Web site at provides a wealth of easily accessible information on all areas of ASC advocacy, including the details of the CMS proposal, current AAASC initiatives on behalf of ASC owners and information on getting involved in ASC issues at the state level. At the operational level, the AAASC Web site serves as an informational resource to help ASC owners and administrators achieve such critical goals as consistent quality care, cost-effective operation and optimizing reimbursement through correct coding. Much of this information comes from surveys and benchmarking studies that are free to AAASC members.
If you know of an organization, Web site or other resource that is devoted to healthcare practice improvement, please let us know. Contact Rachel Renshaw at: or (215) 643-8136.