Study: Fourier Formula Boosts
Visual Outcomes Favorable comparison found with standard PRK and Zernike-based wavefront ablation. By Charles Reilly, M.D. The use of Fourier custom wavefront
treatment can offer superior results when compared with standard PRK or
Zernike surface ablation, according to results of a recent study my
colleagues and I conducted. Our intention was to determine how newer
wavefront Fourier and Zernike technologies compared with each other, as
well as against our standard PRK results.
Figure 1. At 6 months postop, 68% of
Fourier patients achieved 20/12.5 UCVA or
Figure 2. At 6 months postop, Fourier,
Zernike and standard PRK-treated patients achieved 20/12.5 BCVA or
better at 87%, 60% and 48%, respectively. The improved results of
Fourier-treated patients are statistically significant. The Fourier system,
Figure 3. The Fourier analysis provides a
more detailed and accurate map of the patient�s wavefront vs. the
Study: Fourier Formula Boosts Visual Outcomes
Favorable comparison found with standard PRK and Zernike-based wavefront ablation.